Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fireproof Your Marriage!

Fireproof your marriage is a new study based on the movie "Fireproof." The class is designed to give you insight into making a marriage that not only lasts the tests of time, but is a blessing to the whole family for generations to come. The study, led by Devin Butts, will consist of DVD segments and class discussion. The class meets at 9:35 during the LifePoint bible study hour beginning Sept. 21.

Here is the class schedule:

He Said/She Said - Sept 21
He First Loved Us - Sept 28
Love for a Lifetime - Oct 5
Breaking Free - Oct 12
Forgiveness - Oct 19
A Better Way of Loving - Oct 26
Celebration Fellowship - Nov 2

Huge marriage blessings are waiting!

Children's Teachers Needed!

We are in need of teachers in our Children's Department on Sunday Mornings. If you have a heart for kids, please pray about how God can use you to reach children and make a Kingdom impact! See Jay Larrew for more info! Teachers and assistants needed!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Welcome Jay Larrew - New Sunday School Director

Hey everyone! When you get a chance, say a word of thanks to Jay Larrew who has taken on the role of Sunday School Director for FBC! We have been praying that God would call someone from within our church body for about 6 months and Jay has stepped up. Also, be sure to thank Carol as she will be helping him out with his Sunday School duties. This is often a "thankless" job, so be sure to let them know they are appreciated.

Also, be sure to thank Caroline Hutto for all the work she does behind the scenes keeping up with the Sunday School records.

Rachelle and I are ready for a much needed break for some R&R to recharge our batteries. Last year, I was only out 2 or 3 Sundays. Plus, I used all of my vacation from my full time job to go to children's camp and youth camp last summer. Now, I need to spend a little time with my family, so we have taken a few Sundays off to get some work done on our land. We miss everyone and look forward to getting back, but plan on keeping a low profile for awhile. We will be in and out as we work on our land, so if you don't see us for a couple of weeks, don't worry - we haven't gone anywhere - our hearts are with "The People Place." In our 18 years of ministry work, no place has felt more like home than First Baptist La Vernia.

Blessings to you,
Troy, Rachelle & the Boyz

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thanks Everyone!

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the kind words after my message this past Sunday when I filled in for Bro. David who was out sick. It is a privilege to serve at FBC La Vernia. Everyone is so nice. Please be in prayer for him that he would have a speedy recovery so you don't have to hear me again this Sunday!

You guys are the greatest! Thanks to everyone for all you do! Thank you for your availability to serve God by serving others at our church.

Blessings to you!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Finding The Will Of God

Finding The Will Of God
TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman

I desire to do Your will, O my God; Your law is within my heart. - Psalm 40:8

How would you describe the process by which you find and do God's will in your life? For some, finding God's will is like playing bumper cars. We keep going in one direction until we bump into an obstacle, turn, and go in another direction. It is a constant process of elimination, failure, or success. Is this the way God would have us find His will? No. There is much more relationship between hearing God's voice and living within the mystery of His omnipotence in our lives. Perhaps this process is more like water in a streambed. The water is constantly flowing to a final destination. As it presses against the streambed, it gently points the water toward its final destination. There are no abrupt head-on collisions, simply slight modifications of direction. Occasionally, we come to a sharp turn in the contours of our life. For those times, God allows us to stretch our normal response to change. A popular Bible study says that we cannot go with God and stay where we are. Finding and doing God's will always require change. What changes are necessary in your life to join God in what He is already doing?

There is a direct connection between finding and doing God's will and having God's law in our heart. A friend once complained that he did not know what God wanted of him in his life. My immediate response was, "How much time do you spend with God in Bible study, prayer, and meditation on Scripture?" "Only a few minutes a day," he replied. How can we expect to hear and discern God's voice if we don't spend focused time with Him? If you have a spouse, how did you get to know him or her before you were married? You spent time together. You got to know everything about each other. Our walk with God is no different. It isn't enough to have a desire to follow God; we must put our energy into getting to know Him. His will for us flows out of our relationship, it is not an end in itself. Commit yourself to seeking Him more in your life by spending more time with Him. "Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" (Jer. 33:3).

Friday, January 11, 2008

Welcome New Teachers!

I want to say a big welcome to Steve and Gretchen Bradbury as the new teachers for the 7th - 8th Grade Boys Sunday School class. If you get a chance, please say a word of thanks to them for their willingness to allow themselves to be used by God to touch the lives of young people.


FBC Baptisms

The first step of faith for any new believer in Jesus Christ, is to follow him in believers baptism. The bible teaches us that baptism doesn't save us or forgive sin, but is rather an outward expression of the inner cleansing that occurred the second we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Take a look at some of the baptisms we have had over the past few years at "The People Place."